Loving him feels like that first step on the fresh grass when the rain ends. When you feel the petrichor roams around the oxygen surrounding you, inhaled to your lungs and making you feel so content; loving him feels like that.
Loving him feels like my mom's homemade meals. When you close your eyes and feel its taste, you'll get taken aback to so many nostalgia and good childhood memories which you never remembered you had; loving him feels like that.
Loving him feels like the sun rays that go through your white curtain and wake you up in the morning. They'll make your back feel so warm, perhaps you'll sweat a little because of them; but it's warm, and warmth is everything that you ever need. Loving him feels like that.
Loving him feels like that one deep breath you take after a good cry. Your chest trembles so badly and you let out a whine out of relief, you thank yourself for letting you feel and the next thing you know is you find your widest smile in the mirror hung on the wall in front of you. After all the pain, you feel calm all over again. Loving him feels like that.
Loving him feels like that one little step that you never thought would change your life. To the better, of course. Loving him feels like that one best coincidental decision. It may be risky, but turns out it’s so pretty. Loving him exactly feels like that.
Loving him means being reminded of how pretty the little flowers in front of your doorsteps are. Loving him means writing down new recipe recommendations for lunch. Loving him means listening to all him being sulky before he sleeps, and I am all for it. Loving him feels like that.
Loving him feels like welcoming that colorful sunset after a whole day of rain underneath the very dark clouds. You never expect it to be that beautiful, but its beauty dazzles you more than you think. Tomorrow, the shades may come out differently, but you know it's the same sky and you're going to look at it just as admiringly. Loving him feels like that.
Loving him feels like that sip of iced americano during noon that you take away from your favorite coffee shop. It runs through your blood and gets you excited all over again. Your tiredness suddenly vanishes, your feet desire to walk faster and you know that the rest of the day will be okay. You'll sleep a little late, but you're going to sleep with a post-caffeine smile. Loving him feels like that.
Loving him feels like a warm pat that your kindergarten teacher used to give you after you cried over your toys. It's sincere, genuine, and very gentle; you're going to feel like you're the most loved person in this entire world. You feel safe and embraced. Loving him feels like that.
Loving him feels like winning the Bluetooth speaker connection when you're out with your friends. You get the chance to reveal who you are indirectly, and the world has no choice but to listen. You are not talking, your favorite songs do, but you feel heard. Loving him feels like that.
Loving him feels like walking through an endless hallway you see in your dreams. The walls are bright and you can not bring yourself to see the end; you're walking just at the most perfect pace, not too fast nor too slow; just right. You have no fear of what's waiting on the other side since there is someone holding your hand while you walk. Loving him feels like that.
Loving him feels like a vintage, classical movie. Timeless. No matter how many times you watch it, you still enjoy the ending even when you have it memorized in your mind. You feel comfort and familiarity within it. Not to be rushed, not to be fast forwarded. Loving him feels like that.
Loving him feels like there is a cage of flower petals surrounding you. The butterflies are accessing their way in and out, but they always prefer to be inside. The fresh roses get watered each day, and when you think one is about to die, another one hundred bloom and clear their way to your flesh again. Your veins will smell like them, and whenever you walk, there'll be flower stains below your footsteps.
Loving him feels like that.